Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye

80 sculpted flowers represent microcosms of ways of seeing the world through stories and belief systems within an embroidered temple structure. The installation is a celestial garden of connectivity of attempted stories to understand the natural world.

Flora Sutra combines images of religious iconography, ancient star charts, atomic particle physics, chemistry, and mathematical equations as these are central to the modern understanding of the natural world, all constructs —a temple of celestial bodies devoted to understanding nature.  

Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye
Flora Sutra L=T-V
Wire mesh, plaster, collage, silk organza, thread, fabric dye