Matter Illusion
Sari silk, stone, glass, mirrors, wire, plastic, laboratory weights
8’ x 10’ x 6’

To think of matter as stable or illusory is to question the nature of reality. At a macroscopic level, matter seems solid and unchanging, but at smaller scales, it constantly shifts and changes. What appears stable is often temporary, influenced by systems and perceptions that are limited and provisional.

Matter Illusion explores this idea by focusing on interconnectivity and the illusion of separateness. The weight of the materials represents our physical presence in the world, while the trap-like forms reflect the human tendency to compartmentalize and categorize. These divisions, however, are only surface-level. Beneath them, everything is connected.

The netting above ties the materials together, symbolizing the invisible web of relationships that links all things. Though it may seem like everything is separate, the work suggests that everything is part of a larger, interconnected system. Matter Illusion invites reflection on how our perceptions of stability and separation are shaped by limited viewpoints, reminding us that matter, like reality itself, is in constant flux.